Pun Mesec u znaku Lava- Prava za majke i sloboda žena će biti glavne teme ovog lunarnog promračenja.

27496441_10156152265554866_443004967_nPotpuno lunarno pomračenje na očekuje 31 januara, kada se Zemlja, Sunce i Mesec poređaju na takav način da Zemlja blokira sunčevu svetlost. Pomračenje Meseca u znaku Lava- super mesec. Boja Meseca će poprimiti crvenkastu nijansu.  Ove promene na nebu biće vidljive iznad zapadnog dela Severne Amerike preko Tihog okeana, pa sve do istočnog dela Azije.  Zapamtite, uticaj ove eklipse će se osećati u narednih 6 meseci.

Pomračenje se dešava na 11 stepenu Lava-pozicija Meseca. Mesec je u opoziciji sa Suncem a u blizini Meseca se nalazi asteroid Ceres. Mesec vlada ženama i tradicionalnim materinstvom a Ceres predstavlja nezavisne žene i moderno materinstvo.Vidimo da će pažnja biti usmerena ka svim majkama, samohranim, domaćicama  i ambicoznim koje rade i žele da rade, da se ostvare u karijeri. Prava za majke i sloboda žena će biti glavne teme ovog lunarnog pomračenja. Socijalna diskusija i politička rasprava u ovoj fazi pomračenja će uključivati stilove, prava starateljstva, porodiljsko odusustvo, brigu o decu, povećanje plata, nalaženje posla za majke, pomoć kao i naknade za majke koje imaju više od troje dece. Znači, mame sada je trenutak da podignete ponovo svoj glas, vreme je da vas saslušaju I daju vam , sve ono za šta se zalažete.

Pun Mesec u Lavu fokusira pažnju na intimne, bračne odnose, dom i porodicu. Pomračenje će imati snažan uticaj na privatan život, najviše kod Vodolija, Lavova, Bikova I Škorpija i naravno svih ostalih koji imaju lične planete u ovim znacima kao i planete na 11 stepenu bilo kog znaka. Potrebno je objektivno i uravnoteženo sagledati svoje bliske odnose jer ćete jedino tako uočiti disharmoniju. Ako su odnosi poremećeni, u krizi ili su zatrpani tajnama, lažima pazite se u narednih 6 meseci. Doći do prekida, kod nekih i konačnih. Zato je sada trenutak da radite na odnosima, bliskošću, ljubavi-probudite ljubav ako je zaspala. Biće promena kako negativnih tako i pozitivnih (novih ljubavi i puno beba).

27399988_10156152265549866_787852291_nOvaj period do 12 jula predstavlja resetovanje emocija, čišćenje emocionalnog prtljaga koji se nakupio, počev od 7 avgusta 2017 godine.Mesec simbolizuje emocije, majčinstvo, plodnost, podsvest, navike, uspomene, raspoloženje, dom i potrebu za sigurnošću a Ceres predstavlja ljubav majke prema detetu, sve porodične veze i odnose i vlada ženskim reproduktivnim  organima. Kao boginja za žitarice, Ceres upravlja pravilima proizvodnje biljaka, namirnica, žetve, prirodnih resursa i životne sredine. A Sunce su političari, dominatni ljudi kao i sve religije. Mesec je u znaku Lava a Sunce u znaku Vodolije, što znači da će se  svi oni koji su odgovorni za prava majki osvestiti, u pravom smislu te reči i svi oni koji se bore za ta ista prava postati uporniji u svojim namerama. Vodolija je znak promena, revolucije, savremen znak koji stremi ka boljoj budućnosti a ne obazire se na prošlost.

Imamo još jedan vašan aspekt: Lunarna eklipsa inkonjukcija Neptun- Previše konfliktnih osećanja mogu izazvati konfuziju I povećanje napetosti. Ako ta napetost krene da se uvećava, tokom narednih  meseci doći će do kritične tačke- razdvajanja ili stabilizacije zrelim dogovorima. Naravno, sve zavisi od ličnih aspekta u natalnoj karti- da li su pozitivne ili negativne prirode. Mesec inkonjukcija Neptun daje jake probleme ako ste zavisni od narkotika ili alkohola, kocke, donosi zarazne bolesti, pogrešne dijagnoze kao i trovanja. Paranoja i jake sumnje dovešće do nepoverenja i trovanja odnosa.

Ključ za pronalaženje pravog balansa je poverenje, verovanje u sebe i u one koje volimo.



























conservative religious cultures and countries, women face torture and murder for wanting to divorce or for liking the “wrong” man.

Full moon January 2018 will also shine a light on the two extremes in parenting styles as a political issue. Conservative government financially punished single parents as a way of social engineering. Expect some high-profile political and legal debates about prenuptial agreements, maternity leave, childcare and equal pay.

Another polarity you may have to deal with is the shared custody of children. Following a separation there is often a dispute over the sharing of assets and finances. Finding a balance will take some concessions from both sides. However, the tightness of the conjunction between Moon and Ceres gives the main caregiver an advantage in the family law courts.

The Moon or Ceres or both represent the women, mothers, working women and single parents. The Sun represents the dominating men, politicians and religions. The Sun also represents the role of provider as opposed to nurturer. So finding a balance between work and family will be another issue highlighted by the January 2018 total lunar eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse Quincunx Neptune

This tense aspect will make you even more emotionally sensitive than Ceres Full Moon in Cancer Constellation will. Too many feelings or conflicting emotions could cause confusion and increasing tension. If this tension continues to increase you may reach a tipping point when you either have to escape or have a melt down.

The same thing can happen because of addiction, infectious disease, misdiagnosis or poisoning. Paranoia and suspicion could lead to mistrust and the poisoning of a relationship. You may even suffer from gossip, scandal, betrayal, loss or disappointment.

Lunar Eclipse January 2018 Summary

This lunar eclipse January 2018 astrology is based on Constellation of Cancer the Crab. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is the most sensitive and emotional of the constellations. A near exact conjunction of the Moon and Ceres will focus your attention on the rights and conditions of women in traditional families, single women, working women and single parents.

Sun opposite Moon and Ceres means you will need to think about the polarities in your life relating to parenting and the roles of women in families and society. It is time look carefully to see if you have the right balance in your life. Balance between family and work, children and career, or between looking after yourself and nurturing others. The key to finding the right balance is trust and faith in yourself and in your belief system.

Update January 22: New Zealand’s prime minister is pregnant. ‘I am not the first woman to multitask,’ she says. – The Washington Post.

January 2018 Lunar Eclipse Path

The January 31 lunar eclipse will be visible over north-western North America, the Pacific, Asia, and Australia. The entire eclipse will last for 5 hours and 17 minutes. The totality of the lunar eclipse will last for 1 hour and 16 minutes and the color of the Moon will change to red.

If Lunar Eclipse January 2018 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Full Moon Transits.

Претходне фазе мјесечеве мјесечности: Нови мјесец 16. јануар 2018.
Фаза сљедеце мјесечеве мјере: Соларни Ецлипсе 15. фебруар 2018

Лунар Ецлипсе Јануар 2018 Времена и датуми

Лос Ангелес

  1. јануара – 5:26
    31. јануара – 8:26
    31. јануара – 13:26
    31. јануара – 6:56
    31. јануара – 23:26


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  1. јануара 2018Јамие Партридге

Тренутна астрологија , фазе мјесеца 2018

23 размишљања о ” Лунарном Ецлипсеу 31 Јануар 2018 – Супер Жена ”

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Хелене Цоусин он January 21, 2018

Interesting! I am working on my craft, I make jewellery and I would like to go further, do a website etc…To do so I need to work part-time and I am looking to work in childcare again (which I left last year in March). I am doing interviews with families at the moment. The first part of your article talk a lot to me! The eclipse will be on my 3rd in wide conjunction with my Sun 18 degrees Leo, Trine my Mars in Sag/6th and Square my Saturn in Tau/12th. My natal Moon is in cancer/2sd…and I have Jupiter in Lib/5th. I do not have children but I looked after a lot of them!


Jamie on January 22, 2018

Update January 22: New Zealand’s prime minister is pregnant. ‘I am not the first woman to multitask,’ she says. – The Washington Post.


Gerald on January 23, 2018

Mayon Volcano pops off. Mythology interesting. This one is a favorite on the Sex Climb circuit


Bara on January 24, 2018

Thankyou Leo. Mahalo


Charlotte Bedard on January 26, 2018

one party, Ceres + Super blue red full moon eclipse on mercury, opposing second parties moon Aquarius conj. that sun. opposing all that supermoon stuff. My understanding is eclipses loosen attachments and I know both/all. parties are trying to do that. No contact for weeks. Lots of really not admirable human behaviour. Really this has not happened for 150 years?
yuk. my stomache turns just thinking about it. Already we had 7.9 quake off Alaska that everyone ran for the hills but it turned out not too dangerous slide of plates. My couch shook for weeks before and that day I saw a plate glass window undulate unbelievably. That night, the quake 1 am abouts. up North.
Listened on cbc today about consequences for some of the people caught in bad stuff and one woman said it like her father in prison for 29 years, feels normality and then a big wave hits over and over. Things are so messed up.
One minute I m learning about Whitney and I m hearing KCTS how the Magical Mystery Tour album was made with tech of then, revolutionizing music due to the Beatles and my son born May 1966 with Uranus/Pluto conj. , and its so awesome and pleasant filling in my life span with a sense of richness and then a wave hits. Kind of like real life. Tsunami.


Marie on January 27, 2018

Senator Tammy Duckworth will become the first sitting senator in US history to give birth while in office


Jamie on January 28, 2018

That make two firsts in this area.


Sher on January 28, 2018

My daughter was born on July 31st. This eclipse is making me nervous for her and myself who is an aquarius.


Debbie on January 29, 2018

I was of the understanding Ceres was more about the hard work of the home maker & the giving of service to community rather than the house worker or mother working outside the home? The grassroots emotional nourishment & counsel to keep heart thus hearth flowing well, to ensure that; the mother’s, father’s/partner’s, children’s emotional nature was regularly cleaned of all negative infection by sadness, anger, hatred, shame cause by troubling experiences in the outside world, to keep “Persephone safe from Pluto” or at least heal from the affects of evil so He.couldnt “take her down” etc again. To work through & help put to rites any grief that the emotional ocean wasnt denied/ignored and become “dammed up”. To keep the spirit flowing through a pure, unadulterated river of love, for pure expression? That to me makes sense with this eclipse, how much that has been undervalued or disrespected by both genders in recent history, for how much affect that has had on community & society. How Puto, is again threatening to take Persephone ( the young vulnerable emotional nature/ innocence of childhood) down, because her Mother (Ceres) is too busy elsewhere, because she either has to or chooses to? For the most part, has no choice if they are to survive? ” It seems, the electric light is on, but no ones at home”? I guess we shall see how it plays out, maybe its only for me to see that way, due to my personal experiences, hopefully layed to rest peacefully, at last, for my own & the sake of those I affect.


Деббие он 29. јануара 2018

Наравно, вероватно сам и мало превише “пуриста” с обзиром на мој 0Цанцер Сун & Церес коњунктив Веста 8Таурус хахаха


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